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For development and tests purpose, you may want to install all project's dependencies first.

Then you can install the worker as a editable package with pip:

pip3 install -e .

ie-eval uses different tools during its development. You can install needed dependencies using

pip install -e .[dev]


Found an issue that you want to work on? You can create a new branch from master to develop. The name should be somewhat related to the issue.

# Make sure you are starting from the current master branch
git checkout master
git pull

# Create a new branch (called <branch-name> in this case)
git checkout -b <branch-name>

Once you have created commits addressing the issue, you can push them to the remote branch. On the first push, you will be prompted to create a new merge request (MR). If the CI doesn't pass yet and you're still working on it, you can set the MR in Draft mode. Once it's ready, you can disable that mode and ask for a review from a Maintainer.


Code syntax is analyzed before submitting the code.

To run the linter tools suite you may use pre-commit.

pre-commit run -a

This checks for common coding issues and regressions. This will also be run on CI and the code won't be merged if this check doesn't pass.


Tests are executed with tox using pytest.


To recreate tox virtual environment (e.g. a dependencies update), you may run tox -r.

This checks for regressions on the code and validates the behavior of new features. This will also be run on CI and the code won't be merged if this check doesn't pass.


This documentation uses Sphinx and was generated using MkDocs and mkdocstrings.


Add the docs extra when installing ie-eval:

# In a clone of the Git repository
pip install .[docs]

Build the documentation using mkdocs serve -v. You can then write in Markdown in the relevant docs/*.md files, and see live output on http://localhost:8000.